Sebastian Schrittwieser
Head of the Laboratory
Sebastian serves as the head of the CD Laboratory. In his role, he coordinates research activities across all topics and contributes his expertise in software protection. His responsibilities further include defining novel compile-time software protections, the formal verification of protecting transformations, and exploring hardware support for software protections.
Sebastian Raubitzek
Postdoctoral Researcher
Sebastian Raubitzek researches on methodologies for layering multiple software protections using group theory. His work aims to optimize the combination of protection techniques to maximize overall protection strength while maintaining efficiency
Kevin Mallinger
PhD Student
Kevin Mallinger brings his expertise in resilience modeling, complexity science, and machine learning to the lab, contributing primarily to research on novel protected code complexity metrics and enhancing the potency and resilience of software protections through interdisciplinary research.
Luiza Corpaci
PhD Student
Luiza Corpaci researches on machine-learning-based approaches to estimate the strength of software protections.
Patrick Felbauer
PhD Student
Patrick Felbauer works on our comprehensive toolchain for the automated generation and analysis of obfuscation sample sets, which is instrumental for the lab's research on potency measurements and layering
Caroline Lawitschka
Research Assistant
Caroline Lawitschka focuses on resilience measurements of software protections and in particular on ground truth measurements in the compiler.
David Schmidt
PhD Student
David Schmidt brings his experience in mobile application security to the lab.