Special Issues

Special Issues edited by AsTra researchers

ERCIM News Special Theme: Software Protection

Guest Editors: Michele Ianni, University of Calabria (Italy) and Sebastian Schrittwieser, CD-Lab AsTra (Austria)

Contributions to this special topic should present innovative research, case studies, or practical applications both in the areas of protecting software in a MATE attack context as well as the detection and analysis of protected malware. We look forward to insightful submissions that advance these fields and provide valuable knowledge to both the academic community as well as industry.

Call for Papers: to be announced.

ACM Digital Threats: Research and Practice - Special Issue on Offensive and Defensive Techniques in the Context of Man At The End (MATE) Attacks

Guest Editors: Michele Ianni, University of Calabria (Italy) and Sebastian Schrittwieser, CD-Lab AsTra (Austria)

The special issue welcomes academic contributions on Offensive and Defensive Techniques in the Context of Man At The End (MATE) Attacks. We encourage research on software protection, including tamper-proofing, watermarking, obfuscation, and formal methods, with a focus on both defensive and offensive aspects against MATE attacks.

Call for Papers (Deadline: November 30th 2024)